As children we have a plump, dewy, bouncy skin. As babies our DNA hasn't yet been exposed to environmental damage or stress. But it doesn't take long, and in fact most of our 'sun damage' regardless of where in the world we seen the sun, happened when we were only young.
Teenage years approach, and for some the skin enters a battlefield contending with hormone fluctuations, emotional roller-coasters, new 'stressors' as adolescence and puberty take precedence.
As young adults in our 20s and 30s, we enter another new dimension that might involve college, careers choices, travel, new friendships and romances. Again, queue the hormone and emotional roller-coasters! Perhaps there is more UV exposure, maybe trying new things in life, dietary experiments and not forgetting new commitments such as marriage and family planning.
The kids have grown up, they are now who we used to be... trying to find their way in the world. We are older, perhaps we have more lines around our eyes than the person we used to go to school with. Those lines might tell a story, happy or sad.
Our skin changes from the very first day its exposed to the world. It is ultimately affected by all these things. Our diet. Our lifestyle choices. The stress we take or put upon our mind and body. Our working environment upon which we may have little or no control over. The relationships we indulge or suffer in. The quality of sleep we allow ourselves. How true to ourselves we live. The illusion that society says we should be something else. Our ability to love ourselves first, and as we are. Grief. Forgiveness. Love. Letting go. Healing. Adapting to change.
My message is motivated by the admission by Bella Hadid about her mental health. Our skin is greatly affected by our emotional state. Having been at some low points myself in the past, my vision for Callan Cove was always about creating a space for YOU to just be, whatever your age, whatever your skin concern.
I'm on this journey with you, to not only a healthier skin, but inner peace & wellness. Be you. Be happy. And if you're not, allow yourself to be heard and never feel alone.
Intuition is an amazing ability to know something without having proof, but we question everything and more often than not, we ignore that ‘gut feeling’ and there is much reason as to why we refer to intuition as going with our gut. Our gut, you see, it is our second brain.
"It's a time to tune into your body and embrace the new chapter"...
Menopause by definition is when a woman stops having periods, a natural process that can happen between the age of 45 - 55.
It can be a time that many women fear or even dred and feel unsure about.
However, as we live in a world that shares a lot more information, the once taboo, not talked about topics are now realised as being critical and normal parts of life, that should and need to be discussed, without shameor prejudice.
If a musical instrument is out of tune, it sounds bad. It can ruin a live performance and it isn't so easy on the ears! And what happens in this situation? Well, a muso quickly tunes up their guitar or fiddle, does a little sound check and makes sure everything is a-o-k! No one would ever continue to play when their instrument is not working optimally, and who would pay to see a concert if the lead guitarist was totally off key?